Ready to Book Your Table?
Although not always necessary we advise booking a table to avoid disappointment. This is particularly important if you are wishing to join us for lunch as we can be particularly busy from 12.00pm until 1.30pm. We also encourage booking if you are planing on traveling especially to join us.
We look forward to welcoming you soon...
Help Support Bee's and other Key Pollinators
“If the bee disappears from the surface of the Earth, man would have no more than four years left to live.”
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
We are committed to supporting our countryside's pollinators as without them there would be no us! As part of our on going mission to cut waste, become plastic free and continue to offer a wide selection of sustainable, local produce, we are heavily involved in promoting and creating new habitats for pollinators and other beneficial insects. Through our work with charities, schools and the general public we have assisted in the creation and re-establishment of Wildflower meadows across Lincolnshire and beyond. Working with our sister company Shepherd Seeds, we are directly involved in habitat creation across a wide range of sites. If you have a project your working on we're always looking for new and exciting ways to help our pollinators. No matter how small the area you have. Small things add up and no where is this more true than when you sow a small pocket of wildflowers in your garden or window box. The wildflowers you plant could be a real lifeline to a huge range of insects that may otherwise starve.

Help us Support Pollinators by Sowing British Native Wildflowers Here.
Free Wildflower Guide - Be sure to get your FREE British Native Wildflower Seed Guide Here